Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Up-do Pompadour Style

I absolutely love this style! Similar to my previously shared up-do involving one braid, I inversely braided two french braids from the nape of my neck to the top of my head. Before attempting this style, the braids were braided all the way to the ends for a couple of days and pinned down. (this made my hair curly when I was ready to unravel.)

To create this style:
  • I unbraided the two braid ends just to the middle of the top of my head.... looking at the pictures, I unbraided just before my ears. This was done the night before I wanted to wear the style.
  • I put hair pins at the new ends of each braid.
  • With the hair that is now free, I made 4 small french braids like I was making a bang. The hair was already curly, but I made sure to moisturize and add Olive Oil Eco Styler gel to insure curl definition.
  • I rolled pipe cleaners to the end of each braid to encourage more curl and to keep the braids from shrinking and matting down when wrapped.
  • I wrapped my hair for the night with a satin scarf.
  • In the morning, I removed the pipe cleaners and unbraided the 4 braids in the front of my head, ensuring to manipulate the curls as little as possible.
  • I added hair pins where ever necessary to help the hair keep the desired shape.


  1. This too cute.. I think im gonna try it before i put it back into my protective twist
